Above all else, A Man and His Cave is about fulfilling dreams. Growing up, you’d never believe that you’d one day have a room with your favourite arcade machines, a kegerator flowing with ice cold schooners, a brown leather couch like Don Corleone’s, and a wall frame signed by Sir Alex Ferguson himself. Yet, at A Man and His Cave, we make dreams like that come true every day.
However, there is no such thing as a cookie cutter dream, and we are all about fulfilling dreams of all shapes, sizes, and…blocks.

We recently received a call from contestants on season 17 of The Block, Kirsty and Jesse, asking if we can help them achieve their dream.
For the Basement Round, Kirsty and Jesse were tasked with building a home theatre, and asked us if we could supply them with 2 x 3-seater recliners, which we happily obliged
We’re not going to leave you in suspense until the end of this article to tell you that Kirsty and Jesse won the Basement Round! Not only was that their first win of the season thus far, but was also the highest total score achieved by any team in a single round this season.
While watching the episode, we were obviously rooting for Kirsty and Jesse to win this round as we knew our premium recliners were about to make an appearance. But as the episode went on, we became increasingly nervous as team after team hit their rooms right out the park! Competition was clearly gonna be tight. Everyone was here to win.
Contestants Ronnie and Georgia blew us away with their beautiful colour pallette, cupboard full of munchies, and above all else - starry ceiling! The episode’s editors also chose to play the themes from Star Wars and Harry Potter while taking viewers through the room, and so we quickly became swept up in mixed emotions ranging from nostalgia, to envy, to anxiety. “They’re about to win, surely?”, we thought!
Mitch and Mark decided to turn their basement into a home spa. Awesome idea! Who wouldn’t want a steam room in their house, right? They were the only team who didn’t go the home cinema route, and that made them instantly stand out (in a good way).
Josh and Luke’s basement wasn’t the best received by judges, but they had a statue of Iron Man, who everyone loves 3000. And Tanya and Vito’s room looked like the inside of a spaceship (which is awesome!).
Then came the moment we’ve all been waiting for - Kirsy and Jesse’s room. The editors decided to screen their room last, and that’s a good sign!
Right from the moment they stepped foot inside, the judges were wowed. They loved the panelling, the candy bar counter, and the Casablanca poster! They loved the 135 inch projector screen, the carpet ceiling, and the double doors! And then came the cherry on top...
"It's very like a proper cinema, and it still feels like it's part of a home," remarked one of the judges.
Why? Because of the 3 seater recliners, that’s why!
The other contestants steered clear of recliners, or cinema-style seating as a whole. One of the judges made it known that he wasn’t a fan of cinema seats, and so they opted in for regular couches instead. But Kirsty and Jesse decided to be bold. They gave us a call and asked for 2 x 3 seater recliners. And those recliners were the bridge between a cinema and a home - between the comfort of a couch and the experience of a cinema! They were even perhaps the difference between Kirsy and Jesse winning and losing! Because it was their ability to walk the line of cinema and home that blew the judges away in the end…
Plus the editors added to the scene the theme from Goldfinger, which is just *chefs kiss*!
We’d like to thank Kirsty and Jesse for trusting A Man and His Cave with their dream. We’re glad that we didn’t disappoint, and humbled that we had a hand in helping you win. Congratulations again.
And Best of luck at The Auction. We’re rooting for you!
If you’d like to also enjoy the pleasures of a home cinema, you can find the same 3-seater recliners used by Kirsty and Jesse by clicking here.
And if you have any questions, feel free to contact us on 02 9055 8231